Event 1 Report

CCC Round Bute Race 27 April 2024


The Mudhook 2-Handed Series got off to a slow start on Saturday 27 April with the CCC Bute Race. With the options of a 37-mile course round Bute or a shorter 25 miles round various buoys, race officer Peter Edmond wisely set an even shorter course in the Firth and then shortened it after 2 legs and 12 miles. Even that took over 4½ hours for most boats. Half of the fleet of 16 boats were racing 2-handed and the winners were Bill Fowler in Dragonfly and elder statesman Ian Nicolson in St Bridget.

The results to date are shown on the points table.

The next races in the Series will be at the Mudhook 2-Handed Regatta on Saturday 1 June