Mudhook 2-handed series 2024

Revised Notice of Race 13 June 2024

Isle of Bute Seasports Club - Round Bute Race 15 June 2024

CCYC Tarbert Race - Saturday 13 July 2024

Race 5 of the Series is the Clyde Corinthian YC Tarbert Race starting from Rothesay on Saturday 13 July 2024. 2-Handed boats will race alongside the rest of the CCYC fleet with spinnaker and non-spinnaker classes. The entry form is available at the link below.

Although the race is open to all, one of the CCYC's traditions is that its splendid trophies for the Tarbert Race are awarded only to CCYC members so why not apply to join the club as well so you can compete for the main prizes? The membership application form is on the same link. If you have any queries about CCYC or need help with a proposer and seconder, please email to the undernoted address

Royal Northern & Clyde Yacht Club Bicentenary Regatta

Fifth event in the Mudhook 2024 2-Handed Series - One day only - Two Races - Saturday 10 August 

Entry Form obtainable here